So I probably got everyone excited for new posts(not) and I haven't done anything. So I will take a little bit to play a game of catch up, and if you make it through, imagine a plate of something yummy as a gift:)
Halloween: Awesome
Thanksgiving: Fantastic
Christmas: Amazing
New Years: Better than the above :)
Jessa is one and going nuts. She says, " Uh- Ohs" , " HI"(every time she turns a corner or enters a room) " HI Momma" , "ewwww" and "Ouch" Then she jibber jabbers all day, is picking up on hitting me if she is mad, yells at me and plays horses and puppies with Savannah and Dechlin. She will even 'Rear up on her hind legs :)
Dechlin: hmmmmm...what else do you say about a 2 1/2 year old boy besides AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! That is because: 1) I love him so terribly much, 2) he so terribly cute, 3) he can act so terrible. This kid doesn't stop, loves to torture and tease, talks back and is still curious about products in tubes and what it looks like smeared EVERYWHERE ( such as toothpaste, hair gel and concealer) He comes into my bed every night because he needs to " lay down for me" I am now in the process of breaking him of the habit ( happened maybe 3 times actually) of need me to "lay down for him" in his bed before he goes to sleep. So he ends up staying up until 10 because he needs chips, cereal, toys....about 10 times each hour. Thinking about potty training this summer. Yes so he is outside when he has accidents :)
Savannah: How she never ceases to amaze me. This girl is 4 1/2. Could say the alphabet at 2 ( 27 months to be exact) Has taught herself to recognize letters, numbers, the phonics of the letters, how to write and now is teaching herself how to read. All I did was sing her the ABC's a few times a few summers ago:) She loves friends, cousins and animals. Is constantly telling me we need to move because our house is getting old ( it is 5 years old) and because we need 5 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a pig.... and that is where I stop her. No pig. She is excited to go to school next year, thinking she will go to high school. She can't wait to drive, and talks about when she will be a mother.
Michael: Is amazing. Need I say more? He is on day 14 of being a non smoker and is doing really well. He goes to the gym a couple nights a week, watches the kids for me when I go to mutual on Wednesdays and my very much anticipated bunko night :) He is in his second semester of school. Totally aced his first semester and probably will do it again. He is so smart it sometimes makes me irritated, because I am not. He works hard, in downtown right now, so a very much shorter distance than Park City everyday. We see him more and that is awesome. He likes his job, however gets a hankering and looks for others. ( Or I do and show him, because...well that is a different story :) All in all, we are very thankful he has a job:)
Me: What to say.. hehe Well, our 6 year anniversary is on the 20th of Feb, so I am working out a little more intensely. However we are either going to celebrate early or later because I happen to have a wonderful monthly friend coming over on our weekend...bleh. I have started my second course through my herbal school. I love it!! Using this knowledge has kept me and my family out of the doctors and very healthy for 5 1/2 yrs. ( Minus 3 ER visits) I am still the 2nd counslor in Young Women's. It is an amazing experience, challenging, yet amazing. I have created a schedule for home and it is wonderful. I have so much free time and my house stays super clean. And I can be very flexible with it.
So there are pictures to go with some of the things I have posted, and they will come at a later date. No promises :)